Client Success Stories

Client Love

  • Andrea Casanova

    Andrea Casanova

    “Thanks to Vanessa I was able to put systems into place that even months after still keep parts of my process running. Vanessa also supported me with research, ideas, and systems during the launching of my membership! I love Vanessa's energy and recommend her and her company! Her work is phenomenal and you'll see a lot of 'glow ups' as you work with her and enter her energetic space.” Andrea Casanova

  • Raw Instincts

    Raw Instincts

    “Working with Vanessa is a complete game changer! I made over 40% more in sales during my first quarter of working with her.

    I have been working with her for a year now and have increased sales by 299% in just one year. Due to the growth, I was able to transition from my corporate job into my business full-time with her support.

    Having Vanessa as a mentor has helped me work smarter, not harder, supported my mental health, pushed my boundaries out of my comfort zone, and changed my way of thinking as a result has helped me attain more than I ever thought possible. I am extremely grateful for Vanessa. Her energy is always vibrant and her work style is to simplify everything.

    She is the only person that will work just as hard as you do as a business owner to grow your business. Her faith in me always makes me go harder and makes me want to do bigger and better things every time.

    If you take it seriously and put your time into what she's saying and how she is guiding you there is no other way besides up!”

    Xilo Piper, Founder

  • Nataly Knows

    Nataly Knows

    “During the retreat, connecting with the women, and with Vanessa, inspired me. I was reminded about how much I loved what I do and was encouraged to launch two new offers that were on my heart. When I returned home I launched my VIP retreat experiences that sold out so quickly! I also launched a new mastermind very much thanks to Vanessa’s encouragement. Between all of my offers, I generated over 100k in sales in just a few months.” Natalie Levy, Founder

  • Humanigration


    “Working with Vanessa was an incredible experience fueled by her vibrant energy and unwavering commitment. From our initial meeting, her authenticity shone through, delivering immense value and clarity in a short span. Vanessa's intuitive grasp of my vision propelled my business forward swiftly, transforming it into what I envisioned.

    Working with Vanessa, I gained clarity, boosted self-esteem, and honed my CEO skills. The human connection and daily support chats were invaluable and immensely helpful.

    Her ability to understand my goals and aspirations was unparalleled. Vanessa's guidance not only helped me achieve my objectives but also instilled the belief that dreams can be realized with dedication and support. I wholeheartedly recommend Vanessa to anyone seeking rapid growth and transformation in their business journey.” Veronica Cardenas

  • Jill Gulotta

    “Right off the bat, I loved your energy and your input on my business, as well as your genuine curiosity about me as a person. I immediately felt you were the perfect person to help me bring my business vision to life. I love how your brain works—your creativity and wealth of knowledge are remarkable. You presented so many options, and it felt great knowing I could share my ideas, which you understood and helped execute.

    This experience was incredibly impactful and effective in bringing my business ideas to life. I was pleasantly surprised by how well it went, though your initial energy always gave me confidence. My expectations were consistently met from the start.

    The biggest takeaway was the unwavering support throughout the process, which was crucial for me to believe in my business and vision. I would definitely recommend this VIP Day experience to others.

    I appreciated the human connection through video calls and daily chat support. I gained clarity and boosted self-esteem as a Founder. I also became more aware of my personal energy and how to operate as a CEO.

    Auditing different departments in my business was eye-opening and supportive. Revamping or creating new revenue channels was exciting, showing me how I can scale my business. Overall, I found clarity and confidence in business operations.” Jill Gulotta, Founder

  • Salon Central

    Salon Central

    “I decided to team up with Vanessa again after a great experience before, and let me tell you, it was just as awesome this time around. Vanessa was super easy to work with and went the extra mile to make sure my website came together seamlessly.

    What I really liked about working with Vanessa was her chill vibe and how she totally got what I was going for with my vision. She nailed it by making sure all my online platforms synced up perfectly. I gotta say, the whole process went smoother than I expected, and the price was totally reasonable.

    I'd totally recommend Vanessa's service to anyone. She's got this talent for bringing everything together and really understanding what you're aiming for. Big thanks to Vanessa for making the website-building journey such a breeze!” Samantha Clark, Founder

  • Nataly Quintero

    Nataly Quintero

    “ I needed someone who could take me to the next level in my business. I was stuck, wanting to turn my passion into a successful, thoughtful, and intentional business, and I knew I needed someone who could help me accomplish this.

    What I loved about working with Vanessa? EVERYTHING! If I have to be specific, it's the way she cares and how present she is in helping me every single step of the way—from the business paperwork to the website to bringing my ideas to life. Things like business paperwork, which I didn't understand before, finally made sense. The sessions were invaluable for building community and deeply understanding the subject matter. Vanessa's availability to answer all my questions every time I had them was incredible. She truly cares about building women and intentional businesses. Gratitude is the only word I have.

    If you have an idea and want to transition it into a viable, successful business, then working with Vanessa is a MUST. It's okay not to know everything because Vanessa makes it a priority to teach and walk you through all the things needed for you to succeed and understand. The community aspect of this program is also a huge plus because we got the opportunity to help and support each other when we needed it most. Each week is intentionally curated to take you to the next level of your business, not only with knowledge but also through ACTION.

    One of the things that surprised me the most was how Vanessa blends business with our astrological chart, human design, and intuition. This intentional piece has truly made a difference in how I view and navigate my brand. When I first started this program, I was lost. My ideas felt all over the place, and I had no vision of where I was going. I was passionate about my work, but I needed direction. Through my experience with Vanessa, I gained clarity on my brand's mission, clarified my offerings, created a website I am proud of, and built a community with confidence. My brand now feels so aligned. The foundations of my business have been built because of this program.

    I would highly recommend this to business owners looking to build solid foundations for their business.” Nataly Quintero, Founder

  • Healing with Ashley Nayara

    Healing with Ashley Nayara

    “What sets Vanessa apart is not just her extensive knowledge and expertise but her genuine connection with her clients. From the moment we connected, she made it a priority to understand my vision and goals. Her availability and willingness to provide guidance on all aspects of my business journey were truly remarkable.

    What's important for others to know is that with Vanessa, you're not just getting a strategist – you're getting a supportive partner every step of the way. Her encouragement and insights have empowered me to navigate challenges with confidence and grace. I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone seeking holistic support in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

    Working with Vanessa was a holistic experience that touched every aspect of my business and personal growth. From gaining clarity and confidence to embracing my role as a CEO, every interaction with her was enriching and enlightening. Her emphasis on human connection and daily support created a nurturing environment where I felt heard and supported.

    The biggest takeaway for me was realizing the interconnectedness of all aspects of my business and personal life. Vanessa helped me see how aligning my energy and intentions can create powerful shifts in both areas. Together, we revamped revenue channels and worked on projects live, which was incredibly empowering.

    I can't thank Vanessa enough for her guidance and support. She's not just a strategist – she's a beacon of light in the entrepreneurial journey. Vanessa, your dedication and transparency are truly inspiring. Thank you for being a guiding light on my path to success." Ashley Nayara, Founder

  • Sabrina Palazzo

    Source Method

    “Vanessa is lovingly straight to the point. I appreciate that she is not afraid to give me her opinion and her approach is in such a respectful way. She was able to truly stretch my comfort zone to think differently and see outside of the box. She is great at inviting her clients to step into their power!!!

    Vanessa has so much experience in all areas of business and she has so much wisdom to offer regardless of where you're at in YOURS. Not only is she a well of information and insight and wisdom, she also will ACTUALLY care about you as a person and your growth personally and professionally. If you are ready to elevate as a human and entrepreneur, 10000% recommend Vanessa & Creative CEO.

    I went in working with Vanessa feeling a bit lost, without any real direction, but with a vision for myself and my business... within a matter of weeks, we were taking REAL action towards making that vision a reality. I never would have thought I'd be hosting a sold-out launch party for my business! Not only that, the choice and action of doing so has opened so many unexpected doors and I know it is all due to forward, aligned motion-- all of which I can thank Vanessa for guiding me to.

    I just hosted a sold-out launch party for my business and as a result of stepping out of my comfort zone (thanks to the help of Vanessa), so many doors for partnerships with my brand have opened! One of the best takeaways from working with Vanessa has been my belief in myself-- which is priceless. Before working with Vanessa, I admit I was timid and not going ALL in. In working with her, I am moving forward with support and guidance and so much about my belief in myself as an entrepreneur has shifted and elevated as a result!” Sabrina Palazzo, Founder

  • Doggizen


    “During our first quarter of working with Vanessa, we doubled in sales and attendees for an event we host every year.

    We decided to work with Vanessa because we experienced firsthand watching other business owners (who have worked with her) transform magically in their businesses in a short period of time. Vanessa’s skills are beyond what anyone can imagine. She always has innovative and solid responses to any question that allows you to implement quickly in your business.

    Working with Vanessa allowed us to create new revenue channels, gain clarity as Founders, and most importantly felt supported as humans every step of the way. She was involved in every single aspect to make sure we felt at ease with any challenges that came up. The support she provides goes beyond any advisor you can find in the market. Her way of putting people’s emotions first clearly shows that she cares about her clients beyond anything else. We are so happy to have her in our lives.” Alejandra Bellosta, Co-Founder

  • So Nessasary Creative

    So Nessasary Creative

    “Vanessa has been everything I needed, without realizing everything I needed. I have gained so much clarity, boosted of self-esteem as a Founder, revamped my revenue channels, and created more sales in my business!

    I knew I needed help creating better systems for my businesses. Not only systems, but boundaries not only in business and personal boundaries to find sanity in growing my business. Learned that it is ok to work hard, but also play hard. Working with Vanessa has lessened my doubts and anxiety about entrepreneurship. With her expertise, I can honestly say I feel more confident in scaling my business to where I dream, except I know it is a reality.

    Her work style is a true judgment-free zone and I no longer feel shame for the areas of improvement that I want to focus on in my business but instead feel empowered. Vanessa is not your average business mentor she is a true rockstar who will not only help you succeed in your business but also support your mental health by guiding you on ways to release personal trauma in such areas as your money and wealth healing journey. I now truly understand my value and I recommend her to all of the women in business to work with her!” Vanessa Contreras, Founder

  • Jessi Gomes

    Jessi Gomes

    “I chose to work with Vanessa, because I resonated with her personality, with how she teaches and the simplicity she express backed up with so much knowledge. Love that Vanessa is so attentive, and just a open hearted human, where she carefully listens, really devoting her time, heart and knowledge. The transformative impact this experience had on my life. From lessons learned to the tangible results, and how she inspires and empower us to grow and succeed every step along the way. I was pleasantly surprised by the level of support and guidance provided throughout this process. Vanessa went above and beyond to ensure I felt equipped to understand and overcome any challenges. A big takeaway moment was realizing the power of collaboration and the importance of embracing challenges with immense support. As well as discovering new strategies that impacted my workflow and productivity. I would wholeheartedly recommend this experience to my business friends. It has been instrumental in achieving success, and I believe others can benefit tremendously.” Jessi Gomes, Founder

  • Bookkeeping Brunette

    Bookkeeping Brunette

    “I have built structure and confidence in a business that I am now having consistent $5k months and gave my notice to my corporate job to transition into my business full time.

    I choose to work with Vanessa because she has solid experience running multiple types of successful business models. She supports me tremendously with her deep depth of knowledge in all areas of the business, unlike no other mentor I have seen before. She truly get’s down to solving your business blockers and gives valuable constructive feedback.

    There is no fluff when you work with Vanessa. Her honesty and support are priceless, there is no sugarcoating here. She is transparent with her clients and also shares all of the lessons she has gone through in business so we as her clients don’t have to. I have been able to change my perspective and now I see blockers as learning opportunities that have truly helped me grow in my business.

    There was a moment I questioned everything in my business but now I realize that phase was so important and totally worth it because my business is aligned with who I am as a person and is also growing as I envisioned it. Vanessa is so awesome to work with!”

    Taylor Bitsoli

  • Maza Events

    Maza Events

    “From the moment I met Vanessa I knew I had to work with her. I appreciate her flexible and human approach to business but also her vibrant energy.

    After working with her I feel more confident in my business finances, I gained awareness in my personal energy on how to operate as a CEO, boosted by confidence as a Founder (I truly believe in myself), and I created more sales in business and more.

    Everyone needs to know about Vanessa and her services.” Martina Zabojnikova, Founder

  • Doggizen


    “Working with Vanessa has been an amazing experience. I definitely recommend working with her. She connects with you as a human and helps you bring the best of you to your business. She focuses on helping you make decisions that align with you. I think for me the biggest takeaway from this experience is that intention into your actions can have a big effect on sales and the business in general.

    Through her mentorship and human approach we were able to make small changes to some of our processes and it has made us stronger and more organized. Also, putting more intention into our actions has also given us great results.

    During our first quarter of working with Vanessa, we doubled in sales and attendees for an event we host every year.” Sara Velasquez, Co-Founder

  • Valeria Lasak

    Valeria Lasak

    “I love the energy and the way Vanessa presents herself. From the start, I knew I was going to learn so much from her. I had never experienced someone mentoring or teaching with such a holistic approach, discussing human design, women's cycles, and more. It's important for others to know that with Vanessa, you learn how to improve your business right away while also understanding how considering other holistic factors can help you thrive in the long term.

    Vanessa helped me build and shape my business, providing all the tools and connections I needed. She emphasized the importance of having a guide, listening to other founders, and holding yourself accountable with community support. Thanks to Vanessa, I gained clarity, boosted my self-esteem as a founder, and feel more confident in my business finances.” Valeria Lasak, Founder

  • Lighthouse Kalamazoo

    Lighthouse Kalamazoo

    “Vanessa is different, a passionate woman of color who holds similar values and principles. She knows business, is real, pushed me without being pushy or rude, and cared about us individually and collectively, showing me what’s possible!! When you are ready to build your dream business, Vanessa will help you by providing tools, strategies, wisdom, and a system to launch. Period, the end. I would absolutely recommend Vanessa to all my business friends. When one wins, everyone wins!” Erika Brown, Founder

  • Alexa Dealy

    Alexa Dealy

    “Vanessa has taken my business and personal life to another level. Through the course of the program, I learned so much about leadership, organization, social media tips, and numerous tips from other like-minded individuals. In less than a year, I have been able to generate an additional $50k in sales. Vanessa was always there when you had a question or needed a 1:1. SBA really dug deep into what it is that holds you back and found a way to dig deep and push you forward.” Alexa Dealy, Founder

  • Bloom Social Club

    Bloom Social Club

    “I would 110% recommend working with Vanessa to ALL of my business friends. She has truly opened my eyes to the possibility of taking my business full-time. My confidence in myself and my business has blossomed and I am ready to take up my space with my secret sauce!

    My confidence in my business has soared. I have done things since I started working with her that I thought I would only be able to accomplish within 5-10 years of business! With her push and support, I accomplished LIFE GOALS WITHIN 1 YEAR OF BUSINESS!

    Vanessa gave me the space to be myself and feel all my emotions which is so important. Sometimes as an entrepreneur, we're constantly trying to move past our feelings and it really hinders our work. Vanessa taught me how to feel the feels and still get my work done.

    You need Vanessa in your life if you are ready to scale your business. She becomes your business partner, your sounding board, and your biggest cheerleader. I find myself asking, "What would Vanessa tell me?" anytime I am faced with a decision. I truly value her opinion and she truly looks out for her client's best interests -- physically, emotionally, and financially.

    It is inspiring to talk and be mentored by someone who cares about the human in me FIRST. During our first meeting/consultation, I knew that I wanted to be around Vanessa’s no-bullshit energy. She is uplifting and a true powerhouse! Whenever I am posed with an obstacle or question regarding my business, I sit back and think “What would Vanessa do?” My biggest win thus far was getting my business featured on tv organically. Very thankful to her!” Lauren Garcia-Marcigliano, Founder

  • Eddys Brand

    Eddys Brand

    “Before I started the Creative CEO program with Vanessa I was considering taking a break from my business to focus on family, I felt stuck and was sad thinking I would have to pause on my dream career. With Vanessa's expertise, I have been able to get clarity on which projects give me joy and work on those. I am so grateful that Vanessa's joy comes from helping creative entrepreneurs like me that don't think like your average CEO." Carla Farina, Founder

  • Posh Lior Events

    Posh Lior Events

    “Vanessa is solution-oriented and provides answers to any obstacle. I appreciated her pushing me out of my comfort zone and holding me accountable and it allowed me to thrive in my business.

    I learned through her mentorship that it is very important to be attuned to yourself spiritually. I was able to heal many layers of myself and my business benefited tremendously from it. When you are connected to yourself it is smoother to go through phases in your business instead of having them hold you back. I recommend working with Vanessa. I had so many AHA moments, made sales in my business, a community of new connections, and had many new business opportunities opened for me through this experience.” Luzmery Daniel, Founder

  • Jennifer Ruiz Blandon

    Jennifer Ruiz Blandon

    “During my discovery call, I knew Vanessa was real, genuine, and knowledgeable. Plus, I love how connected she is with her energy. The experience was incredibly authentic. It wasn't just about business; it was about the reality of life, our energy, our signs, our experiences, barriers, and limiting beliefs that impact us and, therefore, how we show up in our businesses.

    It’s important for others to know that you truly gain a community and support from people who, just a few months ago, were total strangers. Through this, you develop a better understanding of yourself and how you want to show up in the world. I was pleasantly surprised by how well Vanessa understood the group's needs, encouraged us to keep going, and provided so much accessibility and support. While working with Vanessa, I created two new offers and my website!” Jennifer Ruiz Blandon, Founder

  • The Fox House

    The Fox House

    “I was truly impressed by Vanessa’s integrity. Her authenticity and genuine intentions stood out in my personal interactions with her. What I admire is her ability to empathize with others' perspectives, which enriches collaborative discussions and facilitates effective teaching.

    Vanessa's level of detail surpasses expectations for learning. After working with her, I felt empowered and confident to take significant steps forward in my business. The strategic setup she provides, along with attainable short-term goals, equips you for success. Without hesitation, I wholeheartedly recommend making the investment in this incredibly valuable connection.

    My initial focus areas for support were met and exceeded, as Vanessa not only addressed them but also provided invaluable insights for boosting my confidence and logistical prowess. Particularly, she guided me in envisioning a purposeful journey for my ideal clients in ways I hadn't even considered.” Amy Ruiz, Founder

  • Hali Galloway

    Hali Galloway

    "I loved Vanessa's energy! Her way of understanding my needs was really impressive. As a creator, I appreciated how she simplified the business side and brought clarity and confidence to my business operations.

    Vanessa's ability to structure and organize all of my ideas was pleasantly surprising. My big takeaway was how we created a simple, clear, and effective plan to grow my business in an aligned and authentic way for me.”

  • Home in Focus Media & The Life Pivot Co.

    Home in Focus Media & The Life Pivot Co.

    “Earlier this year, I realized that I needed to set stronger boundaries. I was making a good living but entrepreneurship was starting to wear on me.

    Coming back from the retreat, I found clarity and knew the exact steps I needed to take in my business to achieve my goals. I have been able to intentionally set strong boundaries, and successfully delegate and outsource projects so that I can be fully present on things that excite me in my businesses such as launching new services or programs. As a result, I have tripled my monthly income and am now reaching $60k months consecutively.“ Gabi Milian, Founder

  • Design with Nay

    Design with Nay

    “Vanessa’s mentorship and human approach are just beautiful! Vanessa will guide you and help you find your magic, but it is up to you to execute in order to be successful.

    When I reached out to Vanessa, I thought I already had a plan, a vision, and a product, I was ready to hit the ground running...but then she asked me a simple question about WHY... and I discovered a whole new me and a whole new project. We scratched that plan and vision and now I feel that this new project/business has a deep meaningful reason to exist.

    Vanessa guided me and asked me intentional questions to make me think deeper about WHY. I discovered a new perspective and together, we mapped the steps and the vision for this new project.

    I would definitely recommend working with her. The human-to-human interaction that we have had are the most human connections I have had in my entire life that cannot even compare to my corporate career. The AHA moments and my rollercoaster of discovering my WHY was an interesting feeling and awakening.” Nayelly Reyes, Founder

  • Bowie's Bites

    Bowie's Bites

    “Working with Vanessa has been such an incredible experience! When we started working with her we had an idea of what we wanted to do with our business. Now we have an annual plan and everything we need to grow our business. I was able to generate more sales and transition into my business full-time with her support. She will be committed and always available for you. Follow her course and I can promise you, you will be ready for success!” Massiel Kurwahn, Founder

  • Kinley Koontz

    Kinley Koontz

    “I loved Vanessa’s approach to holistically support those she works with. She truly takes a personal approach that brings empathetic professionalism to a new level. I loved getting to learn about Vanessa’s thought process and her persistence in pushing through barriers. I believe it’s important to know that this is a support focused group, but not an outreach focused group. It’s important to stay dedicated and attentive to the community to get the benefits that are carefully curated. You get what you put in! I was surprised by how simply checking in with people as humans could bring so many people so close within a short amount of time. I realized that with a few intentional resources and guiding frameworks and principles, you can keep yourself accountable to the plans you set for your business and honor yourself in the process.” Kinley Koontz, Founder

  • Justine Cennamo

    Justine Cennamo

    “Vanessa's energy, vulnerability, and extensive knowledge were truly remarkable. Connecting with her and other like-minded women, and being able to bounce ideas and receive support, transcended a mere business transaction. It became a profound human experience where individuals learn, grow, and find genuine camaraderie. This program is highly recommended for anyone considering starting a business, seeking to revamp their current one, or wanting to deepen their understanding of themselves as business owners.” Justine Cennamo

  • Izzy Atkinson

    Izzy Atkinson

    “Vanessa is such an incredible human being. I loved the way she helped me understand scaling my business, niching down, honing in on my vision and her approach to helping me execute my ideas and make them happen. The really intentional personal touch through every step of the way was really special. My biggest takeaway was how to utilize my own energy to empower myself and my business. Understanding how valuable my time is. Understanding how important mindset shifts and work is on finances, selling, and showing up. Vanessa empowered me at every step and understand how to release old beliefs around my business and scaling and attracting clients. The energy work is amazing and so important!

    I would absolutely recommend working with Vanessa. I think it’s important to know how Vanessa is truly invested in who you are. It makes such a difference knowing this is a personal experience where Vanessa is in your corner supporting you through every step of the way and empowering you to be your best self and how to always believe in yourself and your vision. I would absolutely recommend working with Vanessa. I think it’s important to know how Vanessa is truly invested in who you are. It makes such a difference knowing this is a personal experience where Vanessa is in your corner supporting you through every step of the way and empowering you to be your best self and how to always believe in yourself and your vision.” — Izzy Atkinson, Founder

  • Shop Tainable

    Shop Tainable

    “Vanessa is one of the most genuine people I know, and she has the heart to help others. She's full of energy and gives 100% all the time. She truly cares about her clients and wants them to succeed in business and overall life. I highly recommend booking Vanessa for getting. a better mindset for your business!” Aylin Cabrera, Founder